Saturday Share – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

“The world is my family”, originally comes from the Upanishads, ancient Sanskrit tomes. In this time of a global pandemic and near-universal lockdown, it has salience in that we’re truly all in it together – East, West, rich, poor, black, white, brown, Hindu, Muslim, young, old – and the only way to overcome, recover, heal […]

via Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — random rants ruminations ramblings

I have a growing interest in Sanskrit because of my studies of yoga. This blogger had a beautiful translation and discussion of this message that we can all appreciate at this time.


Saturday Share – 10 Eye-Opening Writing Rituals from Great Writers — Victoria Ray

The author should die once he has finished writing. So as not to trouble the path of the text. Umberto Eco The truth is (social distancing or not), I am still a very disorganised author. How could I publish so many books? 🤨 I don’t know. That’s why I’m diving in into some rituals of the greatest,…

via 10 Eye-Opening Writing Rituals from Great Writers — Victoria Ray

For those of you who would like to establish a writing routine during quarantine, my friend and writer Victoria Ray has pulled together a few ideas for you.

Cheers & happy weekend,

Saturday share – your favorite mantras?

Happy weekend, friends!

Who else is living in a shelter in place situation? (Raise virtual hands)

Okay, bummer. Me too.

I was thinking of my favorite mantras that help me get through difficult times. To change things up a bit, I thought it would be nice to “Saturday share” your favorite mantras in the comments.

I can kick us off:

This too shall pass.

We are just visitors on this planet.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in. breathing out, I know I’m breathing out. 

We are all in this together.

Choose love over fear.

What are your favorites? Please share if you are willing. Thank you!

I’m pretty sure Olive’s mantra is: don’t worry, just take a nap! 😆❤️

Sharing Our Stories Was Supposed to Dispel Our Shame — Longreads (Saturday Share)

Emily Gould reconsiders the likelihood of women’s first-person writing bringing about change.

via Sharing Our Stories Was Supposed to Dispel Our Shame — Longreads

This Saturday Share took my breath away. It’s a longer read, so settle in if you decide to go for it. Emily Gould explains so much, the somatic response that so many of us had to the last election, and the traumatic memories that still live in our bodies.

I sit here breathing and being grateful for my yoga practice, for the ability to let this emotion wash through me and to let go of it again and again.