Somatic wisdom (video)

As I was coaching client teams online the other day, I realized I needed to “pandiculate” out of my highly focused state starting at a screen and focusing to a more relaxed state (taking a little walk and getting fresh air).

I was inspired to create a small video on this, and next month I am planning to offer a series of short (20-30) interactive “break-shops” on somatics. The idea that it is short enough for your lunch break or coffee break.

Many people take “stretch breaks” in their day but without understanding the somatics and leaning into the tension and then releasing, we can have stretch reflex that actually cause muscles to tighten even further.

A snip of the video from my “dining room” studio. 🙂

See the short (3 min) video here.

Much love,

My book will contain links to audio and video content that can help my intended audience to embody the practices I advocate. Creating those materials is really fun for me, almost as much as writing the first draft. I guess I’m a teacher at heart… 😉


P.S. I am not as actively maintaining this blog, as my client list has started to expand. If you want to receive an occasional (usually 1-3 times month) email with free resources like workshops and other sources of inspiration to embody greater joy, ease and fulfillment in body and soul, sign up here.

Saturday Share – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

“The world is my family”, originally comes from the Upanishads, ancient Sanskrit tomes. In this time of a global pandemic and near-universal lockdown, it has salience in that we’re truly all in it together – East, West, rich, poor, black, white, brown, Hindu, Muslim, young, old – and the only way to overcome, recover, heal […]

via Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — random rants ruminations ramblings

I have a growing interest in Sanskrit because of my studies of yoga. This blogger had a beautiful translation and discussion of this message that we can all appreciate at this time.


Learning circles and connection

**The following is a post shared first on my LinkedIn page on Sunday, January 20th.**

As I write this, I am taking a break from some preparation for an upcoming workshop on “Embodying the Leader Within You” on January 27th. This has involved reviewing some of the beautiful and rich wisdom of my favorite authors, as well as reflecting on my journey in the past 2-3 years.

I realize that I have been trying to boil it all down, to distill the essence and meaning of what I have learned, so that I can share it in a way that is accessible. The “researcher” within me wants to create an annotated bibliography of all sorts of wonderful resources that have helped me see the world in new ways. But the intuitive wisdom that has become embodied in my years of practice and experience tell me to back off from that approach.

My 4-week learning circle to be offered at Tula in February is a more full attempt to capture the energy and connections I want to build between women. With more time, and with sessions that will be spread out, there will be opportunities for practice and contemplation in between. Respecting the “learning rhythm” of all participants, and recognizing that it is not just knowledge but PRACTICE that allow us to fully embody our gifts, we have more time to explore. We have time to connect with each other, to allow our energy to flow and to catalyze action for ourselves and others.

When we ask ourselves what we know, and allow ourselves to know what we know, the relevant points come to the surface. It is a little different from the logical and scholarly route I was taught throughout my academic training. Embodied knowledge is a felt sense of truth, that resonates throughout our body, with a vibration that can feel like electric current. Pretty wild, actually.

At the core of this is understanding that we are all connected, that we are all in this together. This is why connecting with others who are on a similar journey is relevant. It helps us feel and know that we are supported. It provides a safe container where we can ask powerful questions, and allow ourselves to grow in new ways.

If I can facilitate that kind of environment and create and hold space for others’ journeys, it will be a great privilege. If you want to be part of the inaugural group, please use the link below to sign up:

Nurturing Your Feminine Leadership Journey – 4 week learning circle

Many thanks for reading.

A photo capture of the printed brochures, which exist in physical form because: why not?